Dead alien found in Siberia, 2011


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Subido por el 20/04/2011

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Read full story of the dead alien extraterrestrial body found in Irkutsk (Siberia), Russia in April 2011 at

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  • Thank you! I am now COMPLETELY CONVINCED that ice does not destroy paper mache . . .

  • You can clearly see it's a female alien who was sexually abused by a trucker and left in the snow.

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  • They showed this vid on Equals Three, the Creator even admitted it was fake

  • Aliens finger themselves!!!! I see a whole new market for XxX movies


  • its actually bread O__O

  • um, we may be physically bigger, but we are far far far from perfect. I mean collectively, as a society.

  • Check out the autopsy of one of our little brothers. I assume they stuffed miniature organs inside a paper mache casting also? Right? I mean, why wouldn't they waste their time doing that.

  • you right

  • It actually is spelt WEREwolf. Sorry.

  • In fact, the "creature" is made out of bread!...thats right...bread. The 2 guys that where responsible for this confessed it all.

  • *warewolf

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